Our students learn traditional core subjects, including math, English, social studies, and science. They also take courses like computer science and art. All the programming is completely free, taught from a Christian worldview and tailored to meet state education standards.
In the country where we serve, over 20 million children are out of school and on the streets, begging for food.
Children who don’t attend school are far less likely to break out of poverty than their educated counterparts.
A core element of our school is teaching our students the Word of Christ. Redeemer Christian School's Spiritual Enrichment and Outreach Program program starts with the Biblical education of our students. Our director leads Bible study classes every Saturday and the children come in secret, worship, learn from the Bible, and share a hearty meal.
Then, our director and the students go into the community and preach the Gospel to illiterate adults, spiritually feeding the growing underground group of believers.
Many of the children served at Redeemer Christian School live on the street, or in extreme poverty. Everyday at school, they are served either a nutritious lunch or a heartier dinner.
When children are malnourished, they are unable to focus on school, and their brain capacity is hindered. This has long term effects, creating learning disabilities and keeping children from becoming successful members of the community. We want to equip our students with the best chance they have at escaping poverty, and this includes feeding their bodies.
We provide a safe haven for our students, protecting them from child slave labor and human trafficking -- which are both common in their area. One in five girls who are out of school in South Asia become child brides, but this is easily preventable with the security of school.